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yellowchair insulating primer 2.5 liters

yellowchair insulating primer 2.5 liters

Regular price €79.60 EUR
Regular price Sale price €79.60 EUR
Unit price €31.84  per  l
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Insulating primer for inside and outside

Solvent-free, water-based insulating primer for pre-treating wood and cork components that have penetrated.

Suitable for indoor and outdoor wood, cork and other absorbent surfaces such as plaster. Weatherproof, elastic, moisture-regulating. As a masking coat for lindane outgassing and for insulation against nicotine, soot and water stains.

2 coats are recommended.

Clear coats can drive wood ingredients to the surface and discolour the chalk paint finish. The pre-treatment with insulating primer must then be carried out (two coats of insulating primer, chalk paint, clear varnish as a final treatment)

Consumption: 12 sqm / liter

Ingredients: water, shellac, damar, polymer dispersion, additives, in-can preservation (MIT/BIT; advice for people allergic to isothiazolinones + 49 (0) 89 19240

Important notes: EUH208. Recommendation: Wear suitable gloves (nitrile) in case of skin contact. Can cause allergic reactions. EUH210, P101, P102, P103 Recycle only completely emptied containers. Dried material residues can be disposed of with household waste or as construction site waste. Dispose of liquid residues at a collection point for old paints. ASN No.: 080111. EU limit value for the product (A/e): 50 g/l (2007) / 30 g/l (2010). This product contains a maximum of 17 g/l VOC. Please note the technical data sheets and safety instructions.
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